Prices for winter, summer and Chäserrugg Pass 2024/25
The summer, winter and annual tickets are valid in the Chäserrugg area and on the Gamplüt during the official opening hours.
Rates in CHF incl. VAT
Ticket | Adults (20+) | Young adults (16–19 years) | Child (6–15 years) |
Chäserugg Pass | 79.–/month | 69.–/month | 39.–/month |
Winter Card | 735.– | 635.– | 375.– |
Summer Card | 290.– | 290.– | 150.– |
All Chäserrugg Cards or Passes also includes all train journeys to events in summer: sunrise on the Chäserrugg, full moon dinner, concerts, alpine festival, starry night and alpine service on the Stöfeli. The Winter Card and the Chäserrugg Abo are valid for sledging, winter hiking and for train rides at the Full Moon Dinner. Winter Cards are valid from 15 November to 30 April, Summer Cards are valid from 1 May to 14 November. The use of the Postbus is not included in any Cards or Passes. More informations about the Chäserrugg Cards you can find here.
Persons with a local pass can order their pass here.
If you buy the winter card by 15 November 2024, you will benefit from the pre-season rate.
Ticket | Price |
Chäserrugg Family Abo | 158.–/month |
Winter Family Card | 1470.– |
The price of the Family Card includes a maximum of 2 adults plus any number of children up to the age of 17.99 living in the same household. All Chäserrugg Cards or Passes also includes all train journeys to events in summer: sunrise on the Chäserrugg, full moon dinner, concerts, alpine festival, starry night and alpine service on the Stöfeli. The Winter Card and the Chäserrugg Abo are valid for sledging, winter hiking and for train rides at the Full Moon Dinner. Winter Cards are valid from 15 November to 30 April, Summer Cards are valid from 1 May to 14 November. The use of the Postbus is not included in any Cards or Passes. More informations about the Chäserrugg Cards you can find here.
People with a local pass can order their family pass here.
If you buy the winter card by 15 November 2024, you will benefit from the pre-season rate.