Perfect conditions for your excursion to the Chäserrugg
The alternation of light snowfall and sunshine has created perfect conditions at Chäserrugg! The slopes have a soft surface on stable ground and are ideal for sporty turns. The sledging runs are also in excellent condition due to the given weather conditions and nothing stands in the way of fun on the Chäserrugg sledges. Between runs, whether on skis or the sledge, fortify yourself with the various take-aways on offer throughout the area.
Enjoy your day trip or holiday in the Chäserrugg area while skiing the east run, one of the most beautiful runs in the Alps. If you are a hiker the leisurely hike on the Rosenboden with a view of Lake Walen and the surrounding mountain world of over 500 peaks is highly recommended. The two sledge runs are also open and impress with the sporty Stöfeli - Iltios section and the cosy, panoramic Iltios - Unterwasser section.